How it all began:
"I first heard about Forest Schools in 2012 when I attended a taster session in Little Dalby. This session introduced the ethos of children using the outdoor environment to help with their learning and development, something I'm passionate about, and so I undertook the training to become a Forest School leader.
Taking learning outside the classroom, creating a supportive environment and giving children achievable tasks, enables them to build confidence and self-esteem and learn new skills which, in turn, supports their learning back in the classroom. Forest Schools promotes a child’s holistic development by giving opportunities for development in all these different areas within the same session. For example, working together to build a den gives children the opportunity to develop:
gross motor skills on collecting and joining sticks and branches,
intellectual skills in working out how to construct the den and where it should be situated for the best outcome,
communication and language skills in talking to each other about what they are doing and taking on each other’s ideas,
listening to instructions from an adult,
emotional development through the sense of well being that they may get from working as a member of a team,
self esteem through achieving a goal and producing something they are proud of,
and finally social development through sharing and taking turns.
Forest Schools is about children being able to complete achievable tasks.

Miss Berry building a shelter & making a xylophone
during Forest School training

Forest School site - Sept 2013

After the weekly training sessions in 2012 I looked into where our site at Thrussington could be. We are lucky enough to have a large recreational area, which has been designated for the Forest School. We took delivery of 60 saplings donated from the Woodland Trust which, in time, I hope will help create a natural boundary. I also contacted a previous parent to the school who bought six already established trees which we also planted within the ‘forest’. I then had to source resources for our base camp. Whilst attending the village church for a Christmas performance I noticed some trees had been cut down and there were several tree stumps. After lots of chasing around I was informed they belonged to the local council. After contacting them and them agreeing to us having the tree stumps, they kindly delivered them to the school that very day. The site was beginning to take shape.
I assembled various resource boxes that could be used to help support sessions. We have a mini beast box which has bug identification sheets/books, magnifying glasses and bug catchers, a digging box which includes metal buckets, spades and forks, gloves and water bottle, a puppet box which has various animal finger and hand puppets which can be used for making animal homes and a creative box which has various sized paint brushes and water pots. In the summer holidays a resource centre was added to the site. This enables the children to access resources readily to expand and consolidate their learning.
Parents have been especially supportive after learning about my training. I produced a leaflet explaining about Forest School sessions and all parents have brought appropriate clothing for the sessions. One parent has made wooden wellington racks to help store the wellingtons. Another parent has delivered den building sessions to the children and provided all the willow.
We welcome all contributions, be they skill based or resources!
The sessions throughout 2013 have been a resounding success and the Forest School is a popular addition to the school, for both students and parents.... Take a look through the gallery and slideshow pages to see what we get up to."
Miss J Berry September 2013
The team:

Forest School site - April 2020

Miss Berry
Forest School Leader
Founder of the Thrussington Primary Forest School, created at the beginning of 2013, Miss Berry loves taking groups of children to Forest School and seeing them flourish! The Forest School continues to flourish too with all the trees and plants planted over the years. Alongside learning key skills, children gain increased confidence, self-esteem and independence.

Mrs Bennett
Forest School Helper
Mrs Bennett has been involved in Thrussington Primary Forest School since it started and is a great asset.
Every Forest School needs a Mrs B!

Mrs Ford
Forest School Helper
Mrs Ford has been involved in Thrussington Primary Forest School 2018. Mrs Ford is a keen gardener and loves to explore nature with the children.