Forest Schools use the outdoors to help children learn. It helps to build children’s confidence, self esteem and independence.
All learning is child-led and children are encouraged to make their own decisions and choices and follow their own learning. Forest Schools can be seen to link to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum where all areas of the curriculum can be interlinked and woven together.
The outdoors plays an important part in the curriculum. Being out for two or more hours eases the time constraints on children and practitioners, enabling open-ended deep play. Where children explore and follow their own agenda, observers are always struck by the quality of the play, and of the interactions between the children, and between the children and the adults with them.
If you go down to the woods...

Through detailed observations of the young people during the sessions, we can make judgements on their preferred learning style and then support these through providing additional resources or facilitation.
Taking learning outside the classroom, creating a supportive environment and giving children achievable tasks, enables them to build up the following life skills:
Increased self-esteem and self-confidence
Improved social skills
The development of language and communication skills
Improved physical motor skills
Improved motivation and concentration
Increased knowledge and understanding of the environment
New perspectives for all involved.
All of these skills can in turn support their learning back in the classroom.
Block sessions are offered to all children throughout the school throughout the year. Lesson are carefully planned and adapted to cater for all children and their curriculum needs.