Forest School bLog
Festive fun at Forest School
19th December 2019
We enjoyed a festive morning at Forest School. It was really muddy but we had lots of fun. We enjoyed sharing the decorations that we’d made at home and hung them on the Forest School Christmas tree. We took part in a robin hunt and then had to group together to spell out a word with the robins. We made Christmas trees using small sticks, laying them out in size order. During our own independent learning time, some of us were very inventive with sticks and made reindeers, snowmen and Christmas tree pictures on the ground. We listened to Christmas stories and enjoyed hot chocolate and, as a special Christmas treat, Miss Berry even gave us each a mini roll!
Forest School Christmas Party
20th December 2018
We had a fabulous morning at forest school for our special Christmas event. Everyone had to hunt for a candy cane and a robin around forest school. Some of them were very well hidden! We had to be careful because not all of the birds were robins. The robins then spelled out words which we had to work out. It said ‘Merry Christmas to everyone in Class One.’ We had time to choose our own learning at forest school. Some people made dens, others made Christmas pictures with sticks and some made homes for animals at winter. The hot chocolate and mini rolls were a big hit. We finished with a Christmassy story. A great morning.
Spring time at Forest School
22nd March 2018
We spent a lovely spring morning at forest school, even the weather was spring like! We enjoyed getting messy, mixing bird seed and lard to make bird feeders to hang in our garden. We explored forest school and used our imagination in many different ways, working really well in groups and pairs. Some of us set up our own nature club, building an activity and feeding area for squirrels and other small creatures that might visit. We all made our own Easter bunny from a pine cone and had to search for something fluffy for its tail! We transformed the digging area into a representation of the Easter story, binding sticks to make crosses, building a fence and even making Jesus and the guards and a table for the Last Supper! Miss Oatey and Miss Berry were very impressed with how engaged we all were in our activities and how well we worked together.
Christmas at Forest School
14th December 2017
Oh what a Christmassy morning we had at forest school! We made star decorations by threading the ribbon through the numbered holes. We made Christmas trees from pine cones and enjoyed our hot chocolate and biscuits. It was really icy at first but as it started to melt, we had great fun getting very muddy in the digging area! Some of us pretended to be Rudolph and Santa’s sleigh, flying around forest school delivering presents. It was a magical morning which ended with the story ‘Santa Selfie’ and we created our own Santa selfies!
7th July 2017
What a fabulous morning we had! We searched for pirate items in our scavenger hunt including a stick as a pirate hook, a circle shaped piece of willow and even dug for treasure in the digging area. Feeling very hot from the sun, we drank Captain Berry’s pirate grog, specially made for pirate adventures. We then made parrots to sit on our shoulder and worked as a team to create a huge pirate ship using the sleepers, a large stick as a mast and made sails, a crow’s nest and even a plank which Captain Bennett made us walk. We had a fabulous experience.
Year 6 session with parents
4th July 2017
Today was our last Forest School session and our parents and grandparents were invited to join us. We had a fire and made drop scones with raspberry compote. They were delicious. We also made a picture frame to keep as a memento of our time at Thrussington Forest School.
Camping fun at Forest School
16th June 2017
As Year 2s, we spent a night under canvas on Friday camping over at Forest School. What fun we had! The weather was glorious and we were SO excited. We helped to pitch the huge tent (big enough for 13 children and 3 adults) by putting together the poles, hammering in the pegs and putting out the guy ropes. We then decided who was sleeping where and set up our beds. We ate hot dogs and jacket potatoes with cheese which Miss Berry and Mrs Bennett cooked over the fire and enjoyed ice lollies as it was so hot! We had great fun den building, making swings, doing limbo, creating homes for animals and generally exploring forest school then, when it was late, we changed into our pyjamas. Like true campers, we brushed our teeth in the great outdoors, the highlight of this being the spitting competition into the bushes! A midnight feast before bedtime and we eventually settled to sleep but were all awake again at 5am! Breakfast cooked on the fire and time to pack up and take the tent down. What an experience it was!
Cowboys and girls
30th June 2016
Howdy all! What a fabulous morning we spent at Forest School! We searched for horseshoes, dollars, feathers to make a headdress and war paint (mud, petals and strawberries ground up). It was great fun making bows and arrows and tomahawks using sticks and string. We then built tepees and pens to keep our cows and buffaloes in so they didn’t escape and roasted buffaloes over the fire. The Wild West was a hive of activity!
Class One Christmas Party
15th December 2016
We had a fantastic time doing Forest School as a whole class. We had a Christmas scavenger hunt, made Christmas tree decorations and listened to Christmas music. Of course, we also had hot chocolate to keep us warm and a chocolate log.
Merry Christmas
Dinosaur detectives at Forest School
28th March 2017
We had a busy afternoon at Forest School. We worked in teams to use coordinates on a map to find letters around Forest School to spell out the name of a dinosaur. It was tricky work and required lots of perseverance and team work. We made prints of dinosaur footprints using mud and clay and hunted for dinosaur fossils. Miss Berry read us a really funny story called ‘The dinosaur that pooped a planet!’ It was great to spend time together, as a class, at Forest School, especially on such a sunny afternoon.

Calling all campers
17th June 2016
What a fantastic time the Year 2s had camping at forest school! A Friday night of fun at forest school. The children put up their tent, learned how to make a fire without a match, ate hot dogs and jacket potatoes cooked on the fire and toasted marshmallows. They took part in a variety of team games with treasure maps, wool and snail racing before getting into pyjamas and singing songs by torch light. After reading stories and some excitement about being together in a tent, they quickly fell to sleep. Saturday morning was an early start, with the first children waking at 4.45am and very enthusiastic to start the day! The birds were singing, the aeroplanes were flying and it was light...'why can't we get up?' They had pancakes and toast cooked over the fire for breakfast and great fun brushing their teeth and spitting into the bushes! Teamwork to take the tents down ensured they had some free time before home time. A fabulous overnight stay with lots of laughter and lots of fun!
Visiting Warner Woods
22nd March 2016
Class One visited Warner Woods to measure our tree and explore
all the changes. We looked at our glade area and discovered lots
of interesting objects.
Class One Christmas Party
17th December 2015
We had a fantastic time doing Forest School as a whole class. We had a Christmas scavenger hunt, made wooden Santa's where we whittled our own stick and made wooden Rudolph faces.
Merry Christmas
A night in the Forest
19th June 2015
Year 2 children were excited to spend their first ever night staying at Forest School. They pitched their tents to sleep in, had hot chocolate and then spent some time exploring Forest School, hunting for minibeasts, making dens and nests and digging, before it was time for food. The fire had been lit and hot dogs were cooked. The children whittled their own stick to toast marshmallows afterwards and then it was time for a team treasure hunt around the Forest School.
As it began to get dark, slowly, the children got into their pyjamas and brushed their teeth before sitting down in the basecamp and singing around the fire, enjoying the opportunity of looking at the night sky. After a walk by torchlight, they finally got into bed and, eventually, after reading, giggling, chatting, pretending to snore and taking several trips to the toilet, the last one went to sleep just after 1.00 a.m.! The new day started very early (for some), sitting, still in pyjamas, enjoying Miss Berry's homemade toast and pancakes cooked over the fire. We then packed up and took down the tents and prepared to go home. A thoroughly enjoyable overnight stay at Forest School and one that many will remember for a long time!

UPDATE - Enclosing the Forest School site
Brooksby students have been busy again this year making us two more willow fence panels to help enclose our Forest School site. We will take deliver of them in the next month.
Class One Forest School
11th June 2015
We had a fantastic time doing Forest School as a whole class. We listened to Stickman by Julia Donaldson as we have been reading her stories in literacy this week. Students from Brooksby College visited us and brought two willow hurdles to help enclose our site. They then helped us to be mini beast detectives and we also went pond dipping.
26th March 2015
We had a fantastic time doing Forest School as a whole class. We had an Easter egg hunt, hunted for signs of Spring, Year Two wrote Spring poems and we listened to Spring stories. We even had a fire and made our own spring berry juice. It was delicious.
If you like Frozen then please watch this slide show (Children's choice).
Class One Christmas Party
18th December 2014
We had a fantastic time doing Forest School as a whole class. We had a Christmas scavenger hunt, made wooden biscuit stars and pine cone christmas trees. Of course, we also had hot chocolate to keep us warm.
Merry Christmas
If you have had enough of Frozen then please watch this slideshow (Miss Berry's choice).
English Bluebells
5th December 2014
Thank you to Mr and Mrs Rubins for the English Bluebell bulbs. Foundation Stage have planted them in our wild flower area.
We did it!!
4th December 2014
Thank you for all your support. We are planning on putting the money towards pizza equipment for our cob oven, flowers to plant a wild flower garden and also a bug house.

Asda 'Chosen by You, Given by Us' voting scheme
2nd September 2014
Exciting News
Please help support our Forest School if you shop at Asda by collecting the green tokens you get at the counter and putting them in our box.
Thank you

Poppies at Warner Woods
11th June 2014
The Fields at Warner Woods are simply stunning and Foundation Stage children were able to view them first hand.
9th July 2014
We had a fantastic time doing Forest School as a whole class. We had a pirate scavenger hunt, made treasure maps, made stickships and listened to pirate stories. Of course, we also had hot chocolate even though it was a beautiful sunny day!

10th July 2014
Our 'Green Tree School' Platinum award arrived from the Woodland Trust.

15th July 2014
Thank you to Harriet and her family for the beautiful thornless blackberry bushes they donated to the school which have been planted at Forest school.

UPDATE - Enclosing the Forest School site
On the 6th May Thrussington Primary school welcomed the students to fix the panels at the site. The project has been a real purpose for the students as part of their course work.

Exciting News - Warners' Wood
19th January 2014
You may have noticed that the landscape of the fields to the east of the village have changed recently as planting of a 32 hectare (80 acre) wood gets underway. The exciting news is that we are in discussions with Sue Warner into how we can work together and even have a designated area to hold sessions.
Warners’ wood will be a bio-diverse wood planted with native species, locally grown but excluding ash. The design of the wood will incorporate two riverside fields which will be wetland woodland and include wide rides leading down to the River Wreake, providing an ideal habitat for bats.
Consideration has also been given to birdlife including provision of wide margins for hunting birds and a high proportion of shrubs to support a wide diversity of bird life. There will be open spaces providing habitat for future wildflower meadows and of course the archaeological interest on the site.
This will be a long term project which the children will be involved in from the onset and will hopefully be able to see the developments through the years.
Woodland Ambassador
21st January 2014
From the Woodland Trust
"Thank you for taking the time to complete the ‘Be a Woodland Ambassador’ challenge and we hoped you enjoyed your time on the project. It’s great to see the fantastic work that your school has produced" .

Class One Christmas Party
19th December 2013
We had a fantastic time doing Forest School as a whole class. We had a Christmas scavenger hunt, made willow stars and wreaths. We even had a fire and roasted giant marshmallows! Of course, we also had hot chocolate to keep us warm.
Merry Christmas

18th October 2013
Our 'Green Tree School' Gold award arrived from the Woodland Trust.
Hopefully we should be in the Melton Times too!

Our new hedgehog house
1st October, 2013
We built a house for the hedgehogs and we are hoping they will enjoy their new home for the winter.

8th October, 2013
Mrs Bennett very kindly brought some snowdrops for the year 1 to plant. Frederick helped to dig the patch and then everbody planted two snowdrop bulbs! We are looking forward to watching the area develop.

The Diamond Challenge
8th October, 2013
We've been working towards Gold in the Woodland Trust's Green Tree Schools Award Scheme and Year 1 achieved it with this challenge.
The 'Finding a View Diamond Challenge' provides a great opportunity to introduce children to perspective and the idea that we often look at things in only one way. It allows children to see things from a different point of view - in this case an insect's perspective.
Well done Year 1!