Year 2 - Autumn 21
Year 1 - Autumn 21
Year 3 - Winter 22
Year 4 - Spring 22
Year 5 - Spring 22
Year 6 - Summer 22
Year 6 Family Afternoon
What a beautiful afternoon we had on Wednesday at Forest School. Year 6 family members were invited to join their child and experience a Forest School session. It was an absolutely pleasure to host the session and I want to say a great big thank you to the parents and children for tackling the challenges with great enthusiasm. The first challenge was to complete a forest school quiz which related to different types of berries, nuts, flowers and woodland creatures. The next challenge was to create something out of clay that represents Forest School. All of the models were unique and different. We had base camp, the fire circle, the resource centre, trees, pine cone, hare and of course the famous Miss Berry's hot chocolate and Oero!
Thank you to everyone that attended and making special memories with Year 6.